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sit alone in the mountain JingTing

All birds have flown away,so high;

A lonely cloud drifts on,so free.

We are not tired, the Peak and I,

Nor I of him,nor he of me.

Flocks of birds have flown high and away.

A solitary drift of cloud,too,has gone,wandering on.


And I sit alone with the Ching-ting Peak, towering beyond.

We never grow tired of each other.the mountain and I.

相看两不厌,只有敬亭山 。


Sitting alone JingTing mountain

Li bai

All the birds fly do, isolated cloud to idle alone.

Gazing at each other only JingTing mountain.

Flocks of birds have flown high and away.

A solitary drift of cloud,too ,has gone,wandering on . And I sit alone with the Ching-ting Peak, towering beyond.

We never grow tired of each other.the mountain and I


All of tht birds have flown away,

the clouds have gone with the wind,too.

The Jng-Ting Mountain and I gaze at each of us,never tired.

Just he can understand my mood.


I can only seek company in Moutain Jingting.



众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲。相看两不厌,只有敬亭山。 敬亭山,在安徽宣城县北,因山上有敬亭而得名。相传是南朝诗人谢朓赋诗的地方。天宝12年,李白漫游至此,登览敬亭,吟出了这首千古绝唱。 “独坐”二字是全诗的中心。一、二句写独坐所见,三、四句抒独坐之感。 与敬亭山朝夕相处的群鸟一只只高飞远去,天空中的最后一片白云也悠然飘走,万物都消失得无影无踪,天地间一片肃静,只有诗人独自一人孤零零地坐在那里。“众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲”展现的就是这样一个极其空旷寂寥的世界。两句诗写的虽是眼前实景,字里行间却透露出诗人强烈的孤独寂寞之情。

Sitting Alone on Jingting Mountain